Saturday, November 3, 2007


I forgot to mention a "fun fact" that I found out. Before I can reveal my fun fact, however, I need to give a short background story.

This whole week has been up and down as far as emotions go. All I can say looking back is: I love hormones! ha ha ha not really. Anyway, on Tuesday, I was having a particularly good morning. In fact the whole day I had had this unaccounted-for amount of energy. Granted, I did have three cups of coffee that morning, but even with that I usually don't have such high energy all day long. It was not until I examined my vitamin bottle that I found the source for my energy.

I had bought the One-A-Day vitamins that were captioned "All Day Energy." It turns out that the secret to their all day energy is that one pill contains the equivalent amount of caffeine as a cup of coffee. Woot. That's right, I had actually had more like four cups of coffee, and then I had two cups of sweet tea for lunch, so that by 4 o'clock I was literally shaking with caffeination. Needless to say, I highly recommend these vitamins. They really work.

4 comments: said...

I wonder if that caffine is time released?

n8 said...

sometimes it does take a while for you to realize the full effect ... and by that point its too late to not drink as much. you realize it because you are shaking and kind of have a short fuse. and you can't find anything on the research topic you are ... researching. because there isn't anything there. and the computer is going very slowly, which compounds the anger. and then the stuff you try to print out is printing reversed, i.e. black background with white words. but i digress

afreeflyingsoul said...


yames said...

So you've fallen in love with Hormones. They can be a good group; but, it better not be that Serge Hormones. He's a real jerk and always leaves you feeling down.