Sunday, September 9, 2007

Getting Twitchy

Time is moving faster than I am. I'm having trouble keeping up, and I can hardly believe it's already Spetember 9th. By the time I'm done blogging it will most likely be September 10th. why? why? In someways time's ability to fly by is nice, but in other ways it's awful. Right now I'm just wishing it would slow down a touch. I've got this sinking feeling that college is going to be over before I know it. That's an awful thing to say when I'm not even been in school for a full week yet. It's true: this week will be my first full week. The way scheduling worked out with labor day and orientation, our first week was only three days long, our second week was four days long, and now this week will be the full five days long. What a nice way to ease into a schedule. It's been great, but like I said before, it's going by far too quickly. I didn't realize it had been 6 (almost 7) days since my last post. There I was sitting at my computer, feeling a bit smug, about how successful my blogging commitment has gone, and then I see the date of my last entry. My cloud nine vanished and I was brought face to face with the cold, hard reality that time is moving faster than I am. OH cruel, cruel world. You can tell I'm running on little sleep. I guess staying up till three in the morning and getting up at eight isn't the best idea. Oh well, it just means more coffee for me tomorrow :) I've been so good about staving off addiction that I think I can give in just a I'm rambling. I might even skip proofreading this post and see what happens. I always amaze myself with how off my speeling is. haha. I honestly didn't mean to mistype that. I guess it's just further proof that I can't spell. I think I can live with that, however. I keep T.A.s on their toes. I know they love those red pens of theirs.

Well I'm out of steam. I've rambled long enough, and I'm frightened to read over what I've written, so please enjoy my grammatically incorrect entry. I've got to get some sleep. I feel a twitch coming on...right under my eye...Dad knows what I'm talking about.

5 comments: said...

Sounds like life is as it should be...only watch that sleep stuff. Our family is plagued with sleep disorders. As in we don't sleep...Can vampires have natural offspring?

Duff said...

My eye twitches too, but it is usually the left eye brow. Really annoying.

College does go by fast, but I found the first two years went by much faster than the second two. Indeed, my first year took the longest to go by, but that was ok, as I really enjoyed that time.

n8 said...

my eye twitches too ... so does mom's

Hilary said...

i get that twitch, too. must be a family thing. hm, but trey gets it to. i hope we aren't really related or something weird.

afreeflyingsoul said...

that's what they invented graduate school for!