Wednesday, December 19, 2007

nananananaaaaa BATMAN!

I've been writing a research paper on Batman. Yes, you read that right. I've been writing a research paper on Batman,and something has recently struck me. Part of what makes Batman such an amazing series is the villains. They are as fascinating as the Dark Knight himself...He's a long quote from an article I found online. The quote captures what I'm trying to say:

"Batman's nemeses tend to reflect some aspect of Bruce Wayne's character back at him: Two-Face, for example, represents the dual nature of the hero's personality, and the Scarecrow puts Batman's choice of fear as a weapon against evil into contrasting relief. The Joker embodies the madness that surrounds (but does not rule) the Batman's world, and the Penguin is a distorted, disarmingly comical figure representing the corruption (glazed over with a veneer of elegance) that is rife in Gotham. The Riddler challenges Batman's intellect, and Mr. Freeze his humanity (particularly, his pursuit of revenge). Ra's al Ghul, a man of boundless ambition, ability and resources, is an image of what Bruce Wayne might become if he were evil."

I'm crazy...crazy...crazy...mutter...mutter...not...crazy...dolphins!

First, I want to say that I have never seen such a short post receive such long responses. It has been wonderful. I made people think! well, at least I'd like to take credit for that...Anyway I'm coming home on Friday for Christmas.

It is overdo. In fact I've been hysterical these last few days. (I mean hysterical in the crazy sense, not in the humorous sense. Although my antics have earned me a few laughs). As I was saying, I've gone the route of the mad hatter, and completely let myself go. Everything feels a bit out of control. Kind of like being tossed overboard and being told, SWIM, but not knowing how to. Only instead of continuing to fight, I've given up. I'm clinging to the back of some dolphins I bumped into, so I'm staying afloat, but it is not my doing.

Alright, that is a bit of an exaggeration. It hasn't really been that bad...maybe just half that bad. Ask Jamie about the recent conversations we've had over the phone, and you'll hear what I mean when I say hysterical.

Note to Jamie: Thanks for the advice on the Archeology exam and life in general. Although I was not able to mention Indiana Jones in any of my essays, I have unstressed myself a bit after you told me that stress automatically leads to cocaine addictions. There is nothing to fear in that regard. The craziest Wheaton gets is Welch's sparkling grape juice. woot!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

A question for you

Last week, I was interviewing a man who works for Pro-Life Action League. Something he said in the course of the interview really struck me. I wrote it down as a side note to think about later, but being the scatter-brained child I am, I just now found that little side-note. Reading it over I’m still not sure what I think. He said, “Morality is all about intention.” Is that true? Is morality simply about intention? I can’t even remember how his statement related to what we were discussing. I just remember sitting there, and when I heard that, it struck a chord.

Morality is all about intention. Morality is all about intention?

What does that even mean. Looking back, I should have asked him. Well, I’d like other people’s thoughts on that phrase. I’d like to know: what you think it means, if you think it is true, and why or why not.